Although vomiting may be very unpleasant and causes great discomfort, is not threatening or serious. Vomiting should never be suppressed or prevented because this may simply aggravate the condition causes symptoms much worse. Another condition in which one may vomit or throw up when you have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol. Binge drinking has become epidemic in some parts of the world, it is natural and vomiting after drinking the attacks. Trying to suppress the urge to vomit can cause discomfort, vomiting and in such a scenario would provide some quick relief.
Vomiting is a symptom that would have been all too familiar to pregnant women. Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of pregnancy, often referred to and included in the term morning sickness'. The reasons for vomiting in the morning during pregnancy can be attributed to hormonal changes normal and healthy. Vomiting in children is often caused due to gastroenteritis, which is basically caused by viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract. In this new scenario, vomiting would simply be a symptom of the condition. Treatment for vomiting should not seek to suppress, but rather should be directed treatment of the underlying disease.
The causes of vomiting after eating
Causes simple: insufficient sleep, high blood pressure, excessive exposure to heat, high altitude, motion sickness, sea sickness, indigestion, side effects of certain drugs, exposure to chemical toxins, emotional stress or fear, certain smells or odors , etc. can cause fever, vomiting after eating.
Improper habits: too often take meals or starvation for a long period of time, long intervals between meals, eat and swallow food quickly, eat fatty foods too heavy, eating when not required, eating late at night, lead to vomiting after eating.
Causes severe: because of a malfunction of the system of the body, vomiting after eating may occur. Therefore, you should consult your doctor immediately if there is a constant intestinal pain and vomiting after eating. Blocked intestines, gallbladder disease, gluten intolerance, brain tumors, ulcers, meningitis, appendicitis, migraine, dehydration are some of the causes of vomiting after eating.
Food Content: This is the most common cause of vomiting after eating food. Certain ingredients or certain foods that are not suitable for your body, are not accepted by the digestive system. When it comes to ingredients in your food, can lead to vomiting after eating. If you are not accustomed to spicy foods and hot, the consumption of such foods may cause vomiting.
Food poisoning: There are various causes of food poisoning. Bacteria from contaminated food, improper washing of hands or fresh ingredients, poor hygiene can cause vomiting after eating.
Food Allergies: food allergies lead to disturbances and nausea after eating. Some people have allergies to lactose, some have food allergies in color.
Side effects of treatment: those receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy may have to face the problem of vomiting after eating.
Pregnancy: During pregnancy, vomiting after eating is quite common. Nausea, known as 'morning sickness' is the cause of vomiting after eating and drinking during pregnancy.
Alcohol: Alcohol abuse leads to vomiting after eating.
Vomiting after treatment
Usually after vomiting, people either want to fill their stomachs, or want to stay hungry. Both of these options are not good for the system. All types of solid foods should be avoided for the first twelve hours after the vomiting. Ask your sister to have a lot of liquids like coconut water. This has a calming effect on the stomach. A glass of fresh lime juice is also very effective. Need to squeeze 1 lemon into a glass of cold water and only a little 'sugar and salt. You could also add a little 'ice to make it really cold. He needs to drink this every two hours.
Having ginger, peppermint or mint tea also make her feel better. Other liquids such as fruit juices and vegetables may also be consumed. The important thing to remember is that he needs to drink liquids very slowly, as the stomach is recovering and needs to have regulated the presence of any type of food. The amount of liquid needed may be determined by the color of your urine. If the urine is bright yellow, then it is not drinking enough. The urine is pale, the better to prevent dehydration.
Find powerful herbal remedies Nausea and vomiting
The most common of all reasons for vomiting in children, and sometimes in children and infants may be due to gastroenteritis, a viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract, also known as stomach flu. This condition is quite common in adults as well, and as for other viral infections resolve without the need for medical care. Vomiting is also common as a symptom of some sort of allergic reaction, or the presence of certain conditions such as lactose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome.
A milk vomiting child, but is not affected by other foods would most likely be indicative of such an intolerance to lactose and then the majority of dairy products. Vomiting can still pose a threat in certain circumstances. While vomiting itself and isolated incidents or brief bouts of vomiting can not be at all serious, prolonged vomiting can be a health risk. This is because the vomiting causes severe dehydration, and if prolonged can lead to serious health consequences and can even prove fatal.
The risk of dehydration from vomiting in children is particularly high in years and, for this you should be wary of vomiting in these age groups. If the condition is not resolved quickly, it would be wise to seek medical attention as quickly as adults and children older individuals may experience a rapid deterioration of health. Vomiting usually subsides within a few hours. There are more chances of dehydration after vomiting in the case of children. Sunken eyes, rapid pulse, dry lips are the symptoms found when vomiting after eating in children is not subsiding and continues for a long period of time. Please contact the physician in these cases, as soon as possible.